Deciding to Go Back to University
Hello there! Long time no speak… I hope you have been well. If you have seen my previous post you would have known that I decided to go back to finish my training and it is one of most liberation life changing things I have ever done. Having left education for while now and deciding to go back is so hard, everyone looks and feel so young and I feel like an ancient mummy amongst the living. It’s not that bad and I hope it wouldn’t be that terrible that’s if I can keep up with reading books as heavy as me. Complaining aside, I know I have only been to a few classes, I feel really positive and know that when I finish, I would have gained valuable skills I would need to continue my legal aspirations. I have waited long enough and I am not getting any young and finding great jobs that pay very well is becoming harder with every day that passes so I thought why not complete my first passion and see where it leads. The stupid thing is that I have decided to do a part-time course because I cannot afford to go all in because I want to study and work at the same time; I cannot live on a student budget. So I will be able to afford to do more giveaways and buy some more pretty stuff to wear and do more fun stuff so I don’t end up hating my course for sucking my life away lol. My life has become very monotonous lately and I know going back to uni , doing my blogging/YouTube and working will make it so much more fun that’s if I kill over with constantly moving. I am trying to do it all because I like keeping busy because it makes my feel alive so that’s my rant over people and I really hope you will continue to support me as I go on this new journey of a lifetime.