Mariama Rebecca is PR friendly and happy to work with brands and /or companies who fit the style of this website.

Any items featured /or reviewed I will give provide my honest opinion on the product /or service. I would never mislead my readers into buying something that I would not purchase myself.

Any items gifted to me by a company or posts sponsored by a company are clearly stated. This, however, does not influence my opinion on the product /or service, I am always 100% honest with my opinion.

For any PR, review and /or collaboration please email me at: /or send a message via the contact form below.

Keep reading to find out more about the way I work and my timescale.

I am pretty easygoing, if you have a deadline on your end, please let me know  and I will see if I can work with it. Typically, I take my blog photos at the weekend and on days off as I work 9-5 Monday-Friday job, so I cannot always do the review as soon as possible. However, there is some flexibility and I can try to accommodate your deadline. As for reviews, I typically work within these timescales, it can vary from review to review:

  • Fashion posts – 1-2 weeks: if you have sent me an item to feature in an outfit post, please allow this time for me to take photos as they are photographer and weather dependant!
  • Beauty – 1-4 weeks: makeup /or beauty items, skincare, haircare, gadgets and gizmos have a quicker turnaround. Skincare might take up to 4 weeks for a review, because I would like to properly test products and give me opinion.
  • Lifestyle – 1-4 weeks: this depends entirely on the item I am reviewing, this includes restaurants and /or hotels too.

Want to know anything else? I am a friendly human – please get in touch and we will see if we can work together!