Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

I haven’t really done any Christmas posts this year. Maybe it’s because I have been too busy with work to even think of being jolly. I know I should take a break but I am very anal when it comes to making sure I get the best grades in order for me to continue on my journey to completing this degree. I know I should take a break and get into the festivities, I haven’t even drunk that much mulled wine this year and I absolutely love mulled wine. I’ve decided to live a little and join my little six-year-old brother and really start getting into the merriment of Christmas. So I’ve decided to help those of us who haven’t really managed to get everyone’s gift yet. I was browsing the internet as usual and came across these palettes, I wouldn’t mind someone gifting me. I hope you like my choices and I hope it helps you to get the perfect gift to brighten someone’s day.