Too Much of a Good Thing

Someone recently said to that too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Being in a relationship bubble is more than a distant memory. I have had relationships in the past that has started off really well and has ended pretty terribly. Growing up and watching all these happily ever after disney films have filled my head with the dream of meeting prince charming and then riding off into the sunset. I have recently started seeing someone who is so amazing. He makes me laugh out low until i cry sometimes. I keep pinching myself every time to make sure i’m awake. Having had very bad end to relationships, i have actually started thinking it’s not going to last. And it’s going to end with me heart broken. I know its bad to think that way but I just can’t help myself. Its soo sad when I think about. On the positive though, I do believe that this guy might end up being the only ex I can actually still be friends with even if the relationship ends. I feel like because we are friends and in a relationship it will work this time round because we are both very similar. Plus we talk about everything even the awkward stuff which is just very refreshing.

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